How to Write Killer Blog Posts for your Blog!
When I started blogging I was not having much knowledge about it. Slowly-slowly I came to know about it. I know that my English is not that much good that I can write some killer articles, but still I am happy that few people really like my blog posts.
Yesterday I suddenly reached to a website where I found the article which I actually published at Four Steps to Increase the Google Ranking of your Older Blog Post!
Then I realized that I am also becoming popular now as far as my writing abilities are concerned. When I Google some more posts of mine then I realized that there are many people who are simply copying and pasting the ditto article written by me. They don’t even realized that they should also provide a link to my article as the source of the post.
Surprisingly, I found that they did not even bothered to change the links which I gave in between the posts and thus I realized that I did a good work by maintaining a few links in between my posts. Here are some of the tips which can help you to write some killer blog posts which can actually become popular in the world of web.
Chose the topic wisely
Some people think that they can write on any topic, but it is not true. You cannot be an expert in all the fields. Frankly we all are having experience in some specific fields, and can write good on those particular niche only. So the very first step towards writing killer blog post is the selection of the proper topic on which you can be able to write something special.
These days Google is emphasizing more on unique and informative content, so always try to chose the topic wisely so that you can be able to deliver some quality information to your readers. This way you can also be able to get the love from search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.
Killer Title
Second thing which can provide your new blog post the much wanted popularity is the headline or the title of the post. While writing the title of the post you should clearly understand that it should be meaningful and your post should not divert from the title.
Remember one thing; it is your title only which can bring a new visitor to your website. I know that you can be able to write great posts, but what about a new visitor, he can deviate after seeing uninteresting title. As many people say that first impression is the last impression, so always be ready to create a good impression on the visitors of your website.
Conclusion First
Although I myself did not give much emphasis on this but I always consider this as the best practice to think about the conclusion first, much before starting the article only. Once you have the idea about how you can finish your article you can shape it in a much better way.
It does not mean that you should write the last paragraph of your article first; rather it means that you can plan the end of your post in advance so that your article can actually reach to the same conclusion and it should not deviate in between. I am sure that those who start writing something, sometimes unwillingly reach to something else only, and thus readers lose interest in reading unrelated post.
Tips when you get stuck in between
It is quite natural that you started writing something, and in between you got stuck due to some unwanted reasons. For many people who don’t know much about blogging, writing blogs are the easiest work, but believe me it is not that easy, and it is not a cup of tea which everyone can be able to drink easily. You can have many deviations while writing a good post. Many a times I too stuck with many things and thus unable to finish what I started.
Things which I normally do while I got stuck with something, is to take a break of around ten fifteen minutes and then I have seen that I can be able to write fresh things. Sometimes I have seen that due to some break I would not be able to finish one write up, and thus I lost the momentum on which I was writing the same. Thus later on, I would not be able think about in the same manner in which I started writing the topic, so what I prefer is to either close the topic for some days, or I start writing the same again with some different thought.
After Writing Tips
Writing killer blog post is not that easier as we discussed above, but yes these small tips can always help you to write some great posts and people will also love reading them. Also remember one smart tips (which frankly I did not be able to do), always do revise the content of your post once you finished writing. If you are also like me that you did not get a chance to read the article once, then apply the trick which I use to do, simply before publishing the article create a list of tags and go each lines of your post to create the tags. This way you can be able to revise it too, and you can create some good tags too which can help your blog post to get some search engine love too.