Some Tips about Mobile Phone Etiquette!
I was watching an ad on television yesterday and it was the ad of some prepaid mobile phone plan by Vodafone for Blackberry mobiles. The theme of the ad was that the Blackberry mobiles are not just for office guys. I can give you many examples in which I have seen people with high tech business mobile phones like Blackberry and behaving as a very irresponsible or cheap guy. It really irritates me.
With the enhancement in the technology the prices of mobile phones has fallen down badly. This has made possible that everyone can now afford a smart phone, but many of them don’t even know the proper use of these smart phones. They only know to update their Facebook status, along with call, SMS, and yes to use the phone as a camera. Well believe me I am not going to give lecture on the use of smart phones, but here are some tips about the mobile phone etiquette.

Mobile Phone Etiquette
The most basic tips of mobile etiquette are that you should know the places where your mobile phone should remain in a silent or vibration mode. There are times when you need your mobile phones in silent mode, like you are on a date and having dinner with your spouse, or you are in a hospital, or you are in a meeting, or you are in a restaurant. You should always keep your phone in a silent mode or in a vibrating mode at the places like temples, churches, or other worship places, funeral places, hospitals, theater etc. If you can’t put it in silent mode then please make it switch off for some moment.
Many a times we should not pick up the phone too unless it is too urgent. Like you are attending a meeting in your office, or your senior is having discussion with you, then you should ignore the phone calls unless it is too important to pick. If it is very urgent, then you should first ask for permission and then only pick up the phone, also try to tell the calling person that I will talk to you a bit later, as I am in a meeting.
Yesterday I was going to somewhere and I picked the public transport, while I was standing in the bus, I hear one person was talking to his friend and his sound was so loud that everyone in the bus can hear it properly although the bus was having the enough noise too. Many a times we see that people were unable to hear other person due to heavy noise in public transport, in that case simply tell the other person that I am traveling at the moment and I will revert back to you within a few minutes. Don’t shout and annoy your co-passengers.
It is very irritating if you found that someone from a group, whom you are addressing some serious issue, is busy with cell phones. So don’t play with your cell phones while you are participating in a serious group discussion or someone is addressing you.
The time has gone when we use to judge the personality of a person with the help of his/her mobile phones, now it depends on how you are talking to someone on phone. So you should know these basic tips or mobile phone etiquette’s so that everyone can think positive about you.
nicely elaborated…it is true that every tom dick and harry is carrying a mobile…but how many of them actually knw the etiquette s linked with it?
The most basic tips of mobile etiquette are that you should know the places where your mobile phone should remain in a silent or vibration mode.