How to Deal with Penalties associated with a Domain Name which you purchased Just Now!
Consider a scenario in which you purchased a new domain name. You planned to establish a grand website with this domain name, and configured the Google webmaster tools for the same, and out of sudden you found that there is a manual action associated with that domain name.
What will be your reaction?
Consider a totally different scenario, in which you purchased a land, considering you will develop a shopping mall over there, you started the work also, and out of a sudden, someone from revenue department came to you and claims that this land is already having some penalties issue pending, or it has some dispute associated with, and you won’t be able to do any construction work over there. What will be your reaction?
Well, in both the above scenarios you came to know that you became a fool after purchasing a domain name or plot of land, which were already facing some penalty.
As far as domain names are concerned, you are purchasing a domain name which might has been expired very soon. You came to know about any manual action which this domain name is having, through Google webmaster world. Tell me one thing if you won’t see any manual action pending for this domain name, and developed the website, and then later on you found that your site is not ranking in Google, just because it already has some algorithmic penalty associated with.
What will you do in this case?
You might feel that you have been cheated by someone unknowingly.
Well, to be very precise, it is very hard to know if a domain name which you are purchasing is already blacklisted by Google or having some manual or algorithmic penalty associated with it.
Well, you can check if the domain name which you are purchasing is having blacklisted for some spamming purposes or not. You can check some tools like:
But I think it is not possible to analyze if a domain name is having any sort of manual or algorithmic penalty associated with it, unless you purchased and configured the Webmaster Tools with this.
If you came through that it has some manual penalty pending, you might submit a reconsideration request, and I am quite sure it will be revoked. On the other hand, if your domain name has expired a few years back, then there should not be any penalties associated with it, but still, no one can say anything for sure about the same. With the performance of the new website, and analyzing its webmaster tools data or analytics stats only anyone can predict something about it.
So if you purchased a new domain name and found some manual action pending with it, go for a reconsideration request with Google. I am quite sure this will be resolved soon.