Why High Definition TVs Beat Staring At The Wall!
This is a guest post given by Paul Potter, all images and matter are being given by him only.
When man lived in caves, the only entertainment on offer was a few sticks of charcoal and a stone wall. So it is probably fair to say life was pretty boring once the sun set over the horizon and the dinosaurs had gone to bed. Thankfully, things improved as the centuries passed and man soon became adept at thinking of exciting things to do when the day’s work was done. Many of them involved dangerous activities such as attempting to fly or other suicidal pursuits. But as technology advanced, entertainment became more evolved and eventually televisions were invented.
TVs for the Rich
In the early days, televisions were a bit of a gimmick. Only the rich could afford a television, so most people had to make do with their trusty radio or a good old fashioned book. Even those who could afford to buy a television probably didn’t use it much since they did not have access to the thousands of channels we can watch today. Although given the quality of some of the TV channels available on satellite and cable these days, they were not exactly missing much.
Bigger Is Always Better
In the race to attract new customers, TV manufacturers are continually trying to come up with bigger, better and more sophisticated televisions. Whereas early televisions were small boxes broadcasting a grainy black and white picture you needed a good pair of eyes to interpret, modern televisions are larger than life and have the ability to play a picture so crystal clear you feel like you are virtually in the middle of the on-screen action.
Big Box to Flat Screen
Flat screen televisions were a massive improvement in the world of the TV. The old style televisions were large, heavy, and took up loads of room in your living room. And if you ever had to move the thing from one room to another, you were at serious risk of developing a hernia shortly after. The invention of flat screen TVs was a godsend for those who lived in pokey little flats or houses. Instead of being forced to choose between your TV and the couch, you could mount a flat screen television on the wall instead.
Super Sharp Picture Quality
High Definition television was the next big improvement, and what an improvement it was. Picture quality on an HD TV is crystal clear and the colours are so bright, the world of film and media comes to life in an instant. So instead of staring at some dodgy wallpaper peeling off above your fireplace, you can mount a large flat screen TV and make the most of what the world of satellite and cable TV has to offer. From Man V Food to your favourite crime dramas featuring unfeasibly good-looking criminal defence lawyers doing their thing in the courtroom, the world of high definition TV can be highly entertaining.
Ultra High Definition TVs
The next incarnation in the world of television is Ultra HD television. Early versions of this new technology are already on sale, although you have to be mega rich to be able to pop out and spend £20k on a new TV. You also need a very large room if you want to be able to watch a gigantic 84inch ultra HD TV comfortably.
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This article is authored by Paul Potter, an employee at V Media, providers of Indian TV channels online. Paul enjoys playing ice hockey and also coaches the local minor team.