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What is meant by 3G?

3G, abbreviated for third-generation mobile telephony services, is set to revolutionize mobile phone services in India and take it to the next technological level. This new technology will provide a high-speed mobile connectivity in the country. Currently mobile phones work on 2G or 2.5G, and use 30-200 KHz bandwidth. But the future 3G phones will

Phoenix Mission: NASA finds Water on Mars!

NASA’s mission Phoenix Mars Lander has discovered water on Mars land and put strong chances of life on the planet. Scientists confirmed the news on Thursday saying that they had definitive proof that water exists on Mars after further tests on ice found on the planet in June by the Phoenix Mars Lander. “We’ve seen

Changing technology with time!

Technology is showing a gradual trend of change with time. New tools and techniques are invented daily which give rise to new technologies. Background knowledge has enabled people to create new things. Technology has totally changed our life. With the invention of wheels, people started traveling and with the advancement of technology human has made
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website?

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website? Do You Want More...

How to Back Up WordPress Site
How to Back Up WordPress Site?

Do you want to protect your WordPress website from an unwanted...

Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!
Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!

All of us want Organic Traffic to our website or blog.... vs. vs. – Which WordPress is best for My Blog?

Those who want to develop a blog for themselves might get...

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website?

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website? Do You Want More...

Ranking Factors for Google Search
11 Important Ranking Factors for Google Search from SEO Point of View in 2018!

Gone are the days when Backlinks was the only ranking factors...

Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!
Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!

All of us want Organic Traffic to our website or blog....

Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses?
Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses?

Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses? Read...