
Technology Archive

T-Mobile and its New Channel!

T-Mobile USA is on a roll these days. First of all, the company is constantly enhancing its association with Google Android platform and lately, there are plans that it will soon come out with its own channel. Now that is what making great news out there in the technology department. It has been said that

Locate Your Favorite Song Courtesy Yahoo!

Video Search Now here comes rocking news. All my Yahoo users out there can now investigate the albums and songs of your favorite artist in Yahoo! Video Search. (  Isn’t it great news for all those who surf videos on their favorite artist non-stop!  It is a fact that loads of people come to Yahoo!

Laptops will Become More Cooler Now!

Many times, we face the heating up of our laptops, but now it will become a story of the past. Some scientists and researchers are on the verge of developing a new technology which is going to help the laptops cool down. In a recent study published in a renowned Physics Journal, Nature Physics, Jairo

Verizon to push OS to BlackBerry!

According to recent news on Cranberry (, the waiting for all the Blackberry geeks out there is over now. The article on the same website states that Verizon Wireless is now commencing to push OS to BlackBerry Desktop Manager for all the users who use BlackBerry Storm 9530. The interested folks can get the

T-Mobile and its ‘Project Dark’

In another technology news, it has been observed that T-Mobile has come up with their ‘Project Dark’ rate plans. The plan is decked with so many additional features like unlimited voice, text, and data for $99/month on a 2 year contract. If the users are planning to opt for “Even More plan, then they will

Twitter, Facebook proving costly!

It is true that in today’s world, social networking sites are getting popular day by day. Be it Facebook, Orkut or Twitter, each site is getting popular with the masses day by day. These are a wonderful way of staying connected with your loved ones and family members on a daily basis. In addition, you

Nokia’s Lawsuit against Apple!

Now that is a news piece! It is not official yet but my readers are informing me about the news that Nokia has filed a lawsuit against Apple as the company is claiming that “all iPhones models shipped” infringe on ten of Espoo’s patents which holds a relation with GSM, UMTS, and WiFi. As far


Google team has come out with their latest post on Tweets. According to Marissa Mayer, who is the Vice President of Search Products and User Experience, the main motto of Google is to create a comprehensive search in the whole globe. Therefore updates like Twitter have only added to the convenience as they have acted

WSJ Commented on Barnes & Noble ‘Nook’ e-reader!

It is not official yet, but there are speculations that Barnes & Noble ‘Nook’ e-reader has been glimpsed by the Wall Street Journal! Yes it is true. If you want to know more about, then read on. I may not be able to provide the exact information, but from the current news pieces that are

Apple Sales on a Roll!

Who says that recession is going on? In a recent news piece, Apple reported record revenue for its fourth quarter of the year 2009. And to add the cherry on the cake, Steve Jobs and co. commented “What Recession!” On one hand, where the revenues of other companies were falling like a pack of cards,
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How to Increase Traffic to Your Website?

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How to Back Up WordPress Site
How to Back Up WordPress Site?

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Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!
Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!

All of us want Organic Traffic to our website or blog.... vs. vs. – Which WordPress is best for My Blog?

Those who want to develop a blog for themselves might get...

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website?

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website? Do You Want More...

Ranking Factors for Google Search
11 Important Ranking Factors for Google Search from SEO Point of View in 2018!

Gone are the days when Backlinks was the only ranking factors...

Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!
Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!

All of us want Organic Traffic to our website or blog....

Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses?
Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses?

Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses? Read...