
Technology Archive

Collaboration with Adobe and the Open Screen Project!

According to Bill Coughran, Senior Vice President of Engineering at Google, their team has been constantly working with Adobe guys for the past do many years now. He further elaborated that some of their extremely vital projects demand integration with Adobe’s technologies. Some of the projects include YouTube, Chrome, to name a few. In addition,

LotusLive iNotes by IBM!

LotusLive iNotes is the latest offering by IBM! It is nothing but an affordable web based version of its Lotus Notes e-mail system. This current advancement will make use of the messaging assets that is accessed from Outblaze and is aimed at those big companies and business ventures that are intending to transfer an on-premise

HTC Pure and HTC Tilt 2

AT&T has come up with its first ever Windows Mobile 6.5 handsets. The news is really exciting for all the technology geeks out there. Of course, those who are HTC fans, they wont find another big news to flaunt their smiles than this one! In addition, these handsets feature HTC’s incredible TouchFLO3D UI! Isn’t it

Now Unlock iPhone 3GS Firmware 3.1 on Windows!

Dev Team really did wonders after releasing the new Pwnage Tool 3.1.3. But as far as the Windows users were concerned, the news did not bring much smile on their faces. Reason – the tool was got iPhone 3G users 3.1 on MAC. But this blog of mine would surely bring smiles on the faces

HTC Leo Supports Windows Mobile 7 upgrade!

It has been confirmed that the HTC Leo supports Windows Mobile 7! Here is the info on the internal ROM: ROM: 512 MB / RAM: 320 MB / HD: 207.13MB (deliberation is that it may come in more than one partition). If you want to know more about the same, below mentioned are some of

Google Maps for iPhone Serves Ads!

Time has gone when all you people out there were cherishing that there are no more Google Ads for your Google Maps Apps for your iPhone. Now there are speculations that yes, Google Maps is now showing advertisements. And the fact is that the users can not avoid them. Many of my friends who are

Sprint Announces HTC Hero – A Quick Glance!

Yes, the news that Sprint has revealed a perfect smart phone called HTC Hero! As far as the cost is concerned, it will be revealed at the end of this blog. Meanwhile you can read its full features as well as what the phone has in store for you. Personally, I am a big fan

Improved Palm App Catalog Will Land Soon!

Speculations are all over the market that the first batch of paid apps for the webOS’s new App Catalog will hit the town very soon (probably in a day or two – the date was expected to be 2nd October). Experts were saying that October would be the month that would witness its arrival. Technology

Dev-Team Comes Out With Pwnage Tool 3.1.3!

All you iPhone lovers out there – here is a hot news for all of you to cherish! Now Dev Team has released Pwnage Tool 3.1.3 and the best part is that it is decked with iPhone 3GS Support! I know that you all will be really surprised after reading it, but it’s the reality!
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website?

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website? Do You Want More...

How to Back Up WordPress Site
How to Back Up WordPress Site?

Do you want to protect your WordPress website from an unwanted...

Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!
Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!

All of us want Organic Traffic to our website or blog.... vs. vs. – Which WordPress is best for My Blog?

Those who want to develop a blog for themselves might get...

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website?

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website? Do You Want More...

Ranking Factors for Google Search
11 Important Ranking Factors for Google Search from SEO Point of View in 2018!

Gone are the days when Backlinks was the only ranking factors...

Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!
Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!

All of us want Organic Traffic to our website or blog....

Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses?
Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses?

Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses? Read...