Technology Archive

Google Penalizes – Is Guest Blogging Dead Now?
March 19, 2014
Google Penalizes - Is Guest Blogging Dead Now? If you guest blog and producing quality content, you need not to worry about it.

10 Useful Firefox Add-ons for Every Blogger!
February 5, 2014
There are a lot of Firefox add-ons that are useful for bloggers. Here are ten of the better Firefox add-ons that bloggers and going to find especially useful.

5 Charges in Your Broadband Plan That You Need to Be Aware Of!
February 5, 2014
Cable, phone, and internet services almost always carry hidden charges. Some of them we can let go, such as tax. Others are a little more suspicious. Others still catch us completely by surprise.

Why High Definition TVs Beat Staring At The Wall!
January 14, 2014
This is a guest post given by Paul Potter on the topic of Why High Definition TVs Beat Staring At The Wall, all images and matter are being given by him only.

The Best Hair Removal Gadgets Available On The Market!
January 12, 2014
This is a guest post given by Gareth Shaw on the topic of The Best Hair Removal Gadgets Available On The Market, all images and matter are being given by him only.

Top 7 Audio Players For Windows 8!
December 8, 2013
This is a guest post given by Krishna on the topic of Top 7 Audio Players For Windows 8, all content are being given by him only.

Importance of RSS Feeds!
November 6, 2013
During a few months back I write one interesting blog on how to use FeedBurner with WordPress Blog, it clearly mentioned the importance of feed in our blogs, but still I thought it is not enough. I think this blog of mine will let you know about the importance of the RSS Feeds on different

Tips to Easily Compare Broadband Plans!
September 11, 2013
This is a guest blog given by Yvonne Hart on the topic of the Tips to Easily Compare Broadband Plans. People in today’s generation are hooked on looking for the perfect internet broadband plan. They have varied reasons which include faster speed, faster downloads, stable connections and a lot more, which is why individuals are

New Features of Windows 8!
June 26, 2013
New Features of Windows 8! Here are some of the new features of Windows 8 that has made this OS stand apart from its peers...
Google Launches Disavow Links Tool!
October 17, 2012
It was February 23, 2011 when Google first launched the famous Panda update, which was a major update, and affected around 12% search results that time. Panda update was something which was related with types of bad content, duplicate content, content farms, etc. Basically the update was an effort by Google to provide the quality