Keywords Archive

What is Google Hummingbird & its Impact on SEO!
January 21, 2014
The question of the moment is that, how we can deal with the Google Hummingbird update? How can we be able to make our website more Google hummingbird friendly? Read more about what Google Hummingbird update is and what you need to know to stay ahead in the SEO race.
Four Steps to Increase the Google Ranking of your Older Blog Post!
June 10, 2011
Blogging is not something which you publish and forget about it. You need to give regular updates if you are really looking for people to follow you. You publish a post then you need to answer the comments, build up links, all this is done just in hope of getting a high ranking on the
How to use Twitter hashtags properly!
June 7, 2011
Wondering what is actually a hashtag? Well, here is your answer. These are simply keywords antedated by a hash (#) symbol. It makes them both linkable and searchable on twitter. Let me give an example so that you can understand the concept more clearly. Suppose, you wish to find out what all is going on