Negative SEO Archive

How to Recover from Google Penguin Update?
January 14, 2015
Is your website hit by Google Penguin update or penalty? Do read this blog post of mine to understand how to recover from Google Penguin update?

Top Discussed Things Among Webmasters in 2014 & SEO Trends 2015!
December 31, 2014
Today is the last day of the year 2014 and 2015 is just a few hours away. I thought to write about top discussed things among webmasters in 2014 and some SEO trends and tips for the New Year 2015.

How Ethical is Doing Negative SEO on Competitors Site?
July 28, 2014
When you can’t be able to come up on search results, why not apply negative SEO tactics on your competitors? How ethical it is to do so? Read on this blog post of mine on how ethical is doing negative SEO on competitor’s site?

Being Disavowed will Hurt the Reputation of Your Website?
March 19, 2014
Well, I guess many blog or website owners are concerned about this question these days: being disavowed by a website is going to hurt the reputation of my website or not? Read more to know about it.

How to Deal with Negative SEO & use Disavow Links Tool!
January 20, 2014
Many people are saying that they don’t have controls over links pointing to their website from bad neighborhoods sites or unwanted sites. Instances of Google penalizing sites based on these unnatural links are increasing and thus the fear of these types of negative SEO is also increasing. Read more to know about How to Deal