Panda Archive

How to Recover from Google Penguin Update?
January 14, 2015
Is your website hit by Google Penguin update or penalty? Do read this blog post of mine to understand how to recover from Google Penguin update?

Three Most Essential SEO Elements for Our Website!
July 29, 2014
While there are close to thousands of signals which decide the fate of your website as far it’s ranking on search engines is concerned, but then there are three most essential elements of SEO which we should never neglect while developing a website or blog.

How to Deal with Negative SEO & use Disavow Links Tool!
January 20, 2014
Many people are saying that they don’t have controls over links pointing to their website from bad neighborhoods sites or unwanted sites. Instances of Google penalizing sites based on these unnatural links are increasing and thus the fear of these types of negative SEO is also increasing. Read more to know about How to Deal
Is SEO Becoming More Difficult After Panda and Penguin Updates?
February 28, 2013
During 2012, Google introduced many algorithm updates, different updates of Panda and Penguin. These updates caused panic in the community of the webmasters. The ultimate aims of all these Google updates were to punish the websites for a variety of wrong or unethical things like placing copied or poor quality content on their websites, building