Plugins Archive

5 Powerful reasons Why Your Business Website Should Have a Blog!
October 11, 2013
All businesses that are a part of the online community should have a blog. They are one of the most powerful marketing tools and you don't need to spend a fortune to reap the rewards. Here is a blog on 5 Powerful reasons Why Your Business Website Should Have a Blog!
Has Your Blog Been Hacked? Here’s Help
May 14, 2012
The ugly truth is that any blog or web site can be hacked, whether it’s well-known or not. And the reasons your site is targeted could range from a hacker’s desire to have a little fun to a full-on vendetta against your point of view or something else on your site that offended them. While
Tips To Successfully Start Blogging For Business!
March 15, 2011
This Post is a Guest Article By Timothy Arends. Before you start blogging for your business, it’s a good idea to plan things out in advance. Although a blog is fairly easy to set up, doing things right in the first place will save you some time and trouble later on. Here are some helpful
How to Migrate From Your WordPress.Com Blog to Your Own Server!
October 6, 2009
Yesterday itself, one of my friends told me that he wants to migrate from his blog to his own domain name, in order to use the blog in a more professional manner. Various people come out with the same query, so I thought of writing a blog on it. Many people prefer to