SEO Archive

How Can we Use Social Media for Education System?
July 24, 2013
A blog on How Can we Use Social Media for Education System?
20 Reasons Which Might Penalize Your Website by Google!
July 10, 2013
Google, undoubtedly the number one search engine, is known for the satisfaction of its users. They might penalize your website for many reasons which can even surprise some experienced SEO guys as well. Here is the blog on the 20 Reasons Which Might Penalize Your Website by Google!
Penguin 4 or Penguin 2.0 Rolled Out – What Should We Expect Next in SEO!
May 23, 2013
A blog on Penguin 4 or Penguin 2.0 Rolled Out – What Should We Expect Next in SEO!
Is SEO Really Becoming Obsolete!
April 24, 2013
A few days back I write about is SEO becoming more difficult after Panda and Penguin updates and I was surprised to see the responses of other bloggers about it. I received a few mails concerning with the current situation in the world of SEO. Here is the blog on Is SEO Really Becoming Obsolete!
Is SEO Becoming More Difficult After Panda and Penguin Updates?
February 28, 2013
During 2012, Google introduced many algorithm updates, different updates of Panda and Penguin. These updates caused panic in the community of the webmasters. The ultimate aims of all these Google updates were to punish the websites for a variety of wrong or unethical things like placing copied or poor quality content on their websites, building
How SEO Can Save A Business During A Recession!
January 20, 2013
Please note that this is a guest post written by Maria, who provided a few guest blogs in some of my other blogs. Search engine optimization is a powerful technique which may save your business during recession. Effective usage of SEO increases your business sales by attracting more customers. Research says that business owners are
Google Launches Disavow Links Tool!
October 17, 2012
It was February 23, 2011 when Google first launched the famous Panda update, which was a major update, and affected around 12% search results that time. Panda update was something which was related with types of bad content, duplicate content, content farms, etc. Basically the update was an effort by Google to provide the quality
Does Your Business Need Search Engine Optimization?
September 4, 2012
It was year 2004 when I joined internet marketing era, and heard the term search engine optimization for the first time. Popularly known as SEO, search engine optimization, was a term which many of my friends, relatives and known people were not aware of. I use to explain them for around half an hour, about
Three Basic Google Adwords Tips for Beginners!
August 21, 2012
I still remember that last year I got an interview call from a very renowned company, and they were looking for an Online Marketing Manager who has good knowledge of managing PPC programs like Google Adwords. Though I did not managed any big budget campaigns in Google Adwords (I so far managed a few small-small
Beginners Guide to Do SEO for their New Website!
July 31, 2012
From last few months I was too busy with lots of activities and this is the reason why I did not get the time to update my Tech Acid blog. As I promised in my last post, which was on how to survive the Google Penguin update, that I will write a post on the