Webmaster Tools Archive

How to Deal with Negative SEO & use Disavow Links Tool!
January 20, 2014
Many people are saying that they don’t have controls over links pointing to their website from bad neighborhoods sites or unwanted sites. Instances of Google penalizing sites based on these unnatural links are increasing and thus the fear of these types of negative SEO is also increasing. Read more to know about How to Deal

How to Deal with Penalties associated with a Domain Name which you purchased Just Now!
December 29, 2013
How to Deal with Penalties associated with a Domain Name which you purchased Just Now! Consider a scenario in which you purchased a new domain name. You planned to establish a grand website with this domain name, and configured the Google webmaster tools for the same, and out of sudden you found that there is
Five Ways through which you can tell Google to like your Content!
June 7, 2011
Vertical search content is what all search engines look for. The representation of webpage in a traditional manner is not very popular these days rather SERP’s format seems to grow on a large scale on a daily basis. You may find looking for a vertical channel like video easier to find as compared to a