Wordpress Archive

WordPress.org vs. WordPress.com – Which WordPress is best for My Blog?
May 18, 2016
Those who want to develop a blog for themselves might get confused with the different options available to them, especially when they select WordPress for their blog. Here is my blog on WordPress.org vs. WordPress.com – which WordPress is best for my blog?

How Can we Use Social Media for Education System?
July 24, 2013
A blog on How Can we Use Social Media for Education System?

5 Alternative Blogging Platforms to Try Out in 2013!
May 31, 2013
A guest blog by David Lazar, on the topic of 5 Alternative Blogging Platforms to Try Out in 2013!

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Developing Your Blog!
April 2, 2013
As we all know dedication is something which is always required for the success of your blog. Other than dedication, regularity and importance of the write-up which you are writing also matters too much behind the success of the blog. Here is the blog on 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Developing Your Blog!
Effective Ways of Blogging!
December 31, 2012
Blogging, blogs, bloggers, etc. are at the forefront for quite a while. In fact these days blogging has become one of the most essential tools behind the success of any online business. Many people ask me about how to do blogging, while a few out of them even ask me about what is blogging and
Beginners Guide to Do SEO for their New Website!
July 31, 2012
From last few months I was too busy with lots of activities and this is the reason why I did not get the time to update my Tech Acid blog. As I promised in my last post, which was on how to survive the Google Penguin update, that I will write a post on the
Why is Backing Up your Blog Important?
July 11, 2011
During recent time online blogs has converted into a very strong medium of expressing your views. Blog is not an online diary anymore; it has converted into a very strong medium of earning along with expression of thoughts. Creating a blog is quite easy these days; you can either take the help of WordPress (one
Five Ways through which you can tell Google to like your Content!
June 7, 2011
Vertical search content is what all search engines look for. The representation of webpage in a traditional manner is not very popular these days rather SERP’s format seems to grow on a large scale on a daily basis. You may find looking for a vertical channel like video easier to find as compared to a
Tips To Successfully Start Blogging For Business!
March 15, 2011
This Post is a Guest Article By Timothy Arends. Before you start blogging for your business, it’s a good idea to plan things out in advance. Although a blog is fairly easy to set up, doing things right in the first place will save you some time and trouble later on. Here are some helpful
How to Migrate From Your WordPress.Com Blog to Your Own Server!
October 6, 2009
Yesterday itself, one of my friends told me that he wants to migrate from his WordPress.com blog to his own domain name, in order to use the blog in a more professional manner. Various people come out with the same query, so I thought of writing a blog on it. Many people prefer WordPress.com to