Youtube Archive

Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses?
April 2, 2015
Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses? Read this blog post of mine on why blogging and social media is important for any businesses.

Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Zero Moment of Truth or ZMOT!
March 5, 2015
What is Zero Moment of Truth or ZMOT? Read on this blog post of mine on ultimate cheat sheet on Zero Moment of Truth or ZMOT.

How Can we Use Social Media for Education System?
July 24, 2013
A blog on How Can we Use Social Media for Education System?
Turning an Idea into a Living!
May 16, 2012
Having an idea is one thing, transforming it into reality is another. I had been sitting on an idea for about three years before fate finally pushed me into doing something about it. I have been passionate about gaming my entire teenage and adult life. I would play games from the minute I got home
Great 5 Tips for Internet Marketing With Social Media!
May 13, 2012
Are you trying to promote your business? Have you considered the social media networks? Millions of people use the different social media sites and your business should be, too. Using these sites can help you promote what you have to offer to a much bigger audience and really grow your business. Use the tips shared
How to Load Faster the YouTube Videos?
April 14, 2010
One of the fastest growing social sites is YouTube, and these days it is really popular throughout the globe. I am sure that all the readers of this blog are familiar with YouTube. YouTube is the world’s most popular online video community. It provides the options of sharing the professional as well as personal videos
Collaboration with Adobe and the Open Screen Project!
October 5, 2009
According to Bill Coughran, Senior Vice President of Engineering at Google, their team has been constantly working with Adobe guys for the past do many years now. He further elaborated that some of their extremely vital projects demand integration with Adobe’s technologies. Some of the projects include YouTube, Chrome, to name a few. In addition,
Top 1,000,000 sites according to Alexa!
December 11, 2008
As we all know that Alexa is a company which ranks different websites as according to their traffic details. Here are the top 10 sites according to them: Number 1 is Yahoo ( The site popularly known for its mail, chat, directory and search engine. Number 2 is Google ( The site popularly known for
Google with Omnisio unveils new online video tool on Youtube!
August 11, 2008
Google has unveiled its new presentation tool which will make you enable to create your own videos by splicing and editing the available online videos. Along with Omnisio, an Australian based social video mash up service Provider Company, Google has given its users to play with the videos on Google video, Youtube and and